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01-jul-2023 to 31-jul-2023
Items Archived 0
Bitstream Views 1.658
Item Views 1.232
Collection Views 106
Community Views 142
User Logins 0
Searches Performed 50.620
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
Content Type Number of items
All Items 0
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0
(more than 20 times)
Item/Handle Number of views
Action Number of times
Searches Performed 50.620
8080/solr/statistics returned non ok status 42.347
browse 2.308
browse_by_item 2.196
Bitstream Views 1.658
Item Views 1.232
8080/solr/search returned non ok status 396
browse_mini 244
browse_by_value 163
Community Views 142
Collection Views 106
display_statistics 64
//localhost 59
Community List Views 16
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range 16
8080/solr/oai returned non ok status 14
Invalid ID Requests 12
02,211 INFO org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @ Loading from classloader 1
8080/solr/sta2023-07-29 16 1
03,413 INFO org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager @ Loading from classloader 1
ip_add2023-07-28 17 1
20 1
OAI Requests 0
User Logins 0
Licence Rejections 0
Items Archived 0
(distinct addresses)
User Number of logins
(more than 5 times)
Word Number of searches
null 50.595
dspace 36.811
scope=org 36.790
content 36.786
scope=null 13.826
community@280 11.761
community@278 10.085
community@27a 7.078
community@279 3.650
community@287 944
collection@a49a0edd 899
collection@e0ed6a1a 569
collection@5b3e904e 314
collection@8c82f0aa 307
community@28f 210
community@285 196
collection@fb7163e7 180
community@27c 179
collection@766273fa 103
collection@f50999b5 65
collection@92af7a24 63
community@27f 37
community@293 30
collection@2288fa78 20
collection@1e2fb363 19
apache 13
error=org 13
dateissued_ 13
at 13
line 13
search 13
solr 13
syntaxerror: 13
32 13
column 13
parse 13
encountered 13
cannot 13
community@281 12
collection@b104dda9 12
collection@ccd0d14c 10
community@27b 9
07 8
from 8
configurationmanager 8
info 8
ii 8
collection@7e26958e 8
loading 8
core 8
web 8
cfg 8
org 8
home 8
file: 8
classloader: 8
config 8
collection@8d225bba 6
[2010 6
collection@ccdc680f 5
naval 5
maritima 5
collection@3f06d4d3 5
historia 5
Level Number of lines
Warnings 0
Log Processing Time 302 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 101.598 lines