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01-may-2023 to 31-may-2023
Items Archived 1
Bitstream Views 1.366
Item Views 532
Collection Views 28
Community Views 50
User Logins 4
Searches Performed 6.126
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
Content Type Number of items
All Items 3
Preprint 0
Thesis or Dissertation 0
Research Paper 0
(more than 20 times)
Item/Handle Number of views
Liderazgo y satisfacción laboral del personal de la Fuerza de Aviación Naval de la Marina de Guerra del Perú en el año 2022. (Poblet Domenak. Walter Gustavo) (20.500.12927/321) 32
Action Number of times
Searches Performed 6.126
Bitstream Views 1.366
Item Views 532
browse 353
browse_by_item 333
browse_mini 94
//localhost 60
Community Views 50
browse_by_value 34
Collection Views 28
Item Updated 20
display_statistics 11
Workspace Item Views 10
Invalid ID Requests 10
Bitstream Updates 9
authenticate 8
Bundle Updates 8
workflow_item 5
Workflow Advanced One Stage 4
EPerson Record Updated 4
User Logins 4
User Home Page Views 4
Bundles Added 4
Workflow Item Updates 3
User Logouts 3
View Workspace Item 2
Community List Views 2
Bundles Created 2
Bitstreams Added 2
Bitstreams Created 2
show_requestItem_form 1
Error in discovery while setting up date facet range 1
Licences Accepted 1
Workflow Starts 1
submission_complete 1
Tasks Claimed 1
Items Added 1
Items Archived 1
Workspace Items Deleted 1
Workflow Views 1
Items Installed 1
OAI Requests 0
Licence Rejections 0
(distinct addresses)
User Number of logins
Address 3 2
Address 2 1
Address 1 1
(more than 5 times)
Word Number of searches
null 6.121
scope=org 5.626
content 5.626
dspace 5.626
community@280 3.578
community@278 1.163
scope=null 500
collection@a49a0edd 289
community@279 241
community@27a 74
collection@5b3e904e 50
collection@f50999b5 36
community@285 35
community@27c 29
community@287 29
collection@fb7163e7 25
collection@e0ed6a1a 14
collection@766273fa 13
collection@92af7a24 11
community@28f 7
collection@8c82f0aa 7
community@293 6
community@27f 5
Average views per item 178
Level Number of lines
Warnings 0
Log Processing Time 304 seconds
Output Processing Time 0 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 9.104 lines